East Hampton Schools Health Services

All forms needed for physicals, medications, dental exams can be found in the form section on this page. There is also information on influenza. Forms for sports participation can be found on this page and by using the FinalForms link

physicals will be offered at the East Hampton High School on

August 16th from 4 p.m.-7.p.m,

The following forms must be completed yearly and returned to the school nurse:

Health status update
Permission for BMI information to be used (this information is confidential; your child’s name is not
associated with any data; only numbers are submitted.
Dental health certificate
Medication administration form, if medication is needed during school time

Health Department

Health Forms


NYS Public Health Law mandates that schools shall not permit a child to attend unless the parent provides the school with a signed certificate of immunization completion or a letter from the healthcare provider stating the student is In the process of receiving the mandated immunizations.  The letter must state the scheduled appointment date for all missing immunizations and be signed by the healthcare provider.

Hearing and vision testing is required by the state of New York to be done for students in grades K, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, and 11 and all new students to the district.  If your child fails either the vision or hearing testing completed at school, paperwork will be sent home.

Please take your child to the doctor to see if there is a problem and return the paperwork to your child’s school nurse.  For hearing problems, a visit to the child’s regular doctor would be the first step; that doctor may refer your child to a specialist.  Vision problems will require a visit to an ophthalmologist or optometrist.  If help is needed, please contact your school nurse.
All students playing a school sport, must have a current sports physical on file in the nurse’s office plus additional paperwork for playing sports.  Also if your student uses any medication such as an inhaler, epipen, etc., the proper paper work for using the medication in school must also be on file in the nurse’s office.  The medication permission slip must be signed by both the parent and the doctor. Also certain students who have specific medical problems must have clearance from their specialists.  This includes, but not limited to, cardiac problems, kidney problems, chronic disease such as cystic fibrosis, etc. No yellow card will be issued unless all paperwork is completed and in the nurse’s office.

Physicals are done at EHHS during the summer months at no cost to the student.  Please check with the schools to obtain the dates of the summer physicals.
New York state requires that all students new to EHUFSD must have an updated physical on file in the nurse’s office.  This includes all students from Amagansett, Springs, and Montauk school districts, plus all students registering for kindergarten as well as any newly registered students to the district.  Please send a copy of the physical to the school nurse.
For a student to take medication at school, the proper paperwork must be on file in the nurse’s office. This paperwork must be completed by the parent and signed, and then signed by the doctor.  All medication must be brought to school by an adult unless the student has permission to carry his/her medication. (For a student to carry medication in school, the proper paperwork must be on file in the nurse’s office signed by the parent and doctor.) Controlled substances such as medication for ADHD, cannot be carried by any student and must be brought into the nurse’s office by a parent.

All over-the-counter medication must be in the original container with the students name on the bottle.  
All prescription medications must have the pharmacy label affixed to the bottle with the student’s name, the name of the medication, the strength of the medication, how it is to be taken and the prescriber’s name.  This includes medication that students are allowed to self-administer. Remember students are only allowed to carry medication if the proper paper work is on file in the nurse’s office.  The parent and doctor must sign off stating that the student has permission to self-administer his/her medication.
At the beginning of each school year, cards containing emergency information are to be submitted to your child’s school.  Please make sure that this information is current.  If there are any changes, please keep the school informed.