John M. Marshall Elementary School
3 Gingerbread Lane, East Hampton, New York 11937
Phone: (631) 329-4155 Fax: (631) 329-4157

Our Mission
At John M. Marshall Elementary School, we believe that our mission as the district's primary school is twofold: to educate each student to his/her maximum academic capabilities, and to foster the positive emotional and social development of each child. It is our goal to design a K-5 program that recognizes and responds to the special characteristics and unique needs of very young children. Our commitment to educating the "whole child" has led us to strongly reaffirm our desire to ensure that every child attending John M. Marshall enjoys the benefits of a developmentally appropriate classroom placement. It is our conviction that an effective educational program for students aged 4-11 years old must reflect the understanding that the purpose of the primary school is to help each child develop in a manner that will enable him/her to proceed through school as a well-adjusted, academically confident student.
Upcoming Events
6:30 PM
6:30 PM
6:00 PM
CEP is not in effect at EHHS or EHMS. Families will need to continue to fill out applications for free and reduced price meals for students who attend those schools, even if there is a student in the same household receiving meals at JMMES at no cost.
Todos los estudiantes de JMMES podrán desayunar y almorzar este año escolar sin costo alguno, independientemente de la capacidad de pago de sus familias. Este programa se conoce como la Provisión de Elegibilidad Comunitaria (CEP).
CEP no está disponible en las escuelas de EHHS u EHMS. Las familias tienen que continuar llenando solicitudes para comidas gratuitas o de precio reducido para los estudiantes que asisten a esas escuelas, incluso si hay un estudiante en el mismo hogar que recibe comidas en JMMES sin costo alguno.
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